
Press Release Hospital for Southern Communities

Age Concern Otago and Age Concern Southland Demand a Quality Modern Hospital for Southern Communities

Age Concern Otago and Age Concern Southland firmly believe that the communities of Otago and Southland deserve a fully functional, modern hospital to serve the southern regions of the South Island.  We call on the Government to provide clarity around the plans for Dunedin Hospital as a matter of urgency.

We will closely monitor the Government's planning in the coming weeks and expect that any necessary changes to the original plan for Dunedin Hospital will retain the core clinical deliverables. This is essential to ensure that current and future generations in the South have access to a modern, world-class healthcare system.

Age Concern Otago and Age Concern Southland advocate for all   older people in the Waitaki, Dunedin, South Otago, Southland, Central Lakes, and Central Otago areas. According to the 2023 Census Data for there are 342,945 over 65 years of age, predicted to continue to grow in numbers over the next 20 years.  

Additionally, we provide distinct services to 9,987 of these individuals on an annual basis. For our ageing population, quality care is critical. Further delays to the hospital build will only increase costs both in terms of the build and in the real impact on the health outcomes of our older community.

Build it once, build it right, and build it soon. Older New Zealanders cannot wait for adequate healthcare. Our support and education programmes offer opportunities for people as they age. One such programme, Steady as You Go, aims to maintain health and wellbeing by improving strength, balance, and flexibility, thereby reducing the risk of falls. Despite preventative programmes and education, falls and other incidents still occur. When they do, access to a modern, fully equipped hospital that provides timely care is essential.

Currently, there is considerable concern and uncertainty within our communities regarding the future of Dunedin Hospital. This uncertainty is particularly detrimental to our older population, who are disproportionately affected by delays and inadequacies in healthcare services.

Older persons often have more complex health needs and require timely and reliable access to medical care. The ongoing ambiguity surrounding the hospital's development exacerbates their anxiety and can lead to poorer health outcomes.

It is crucial that the Government prioritises the reviews being undertaken so that our southern communities can soon be reassured about the future of Dunedin Hospital. There is a pressing need to address these concerns to ensure that our older residents are not left disadvantaged by prolonged uncertainty and delays.


Signed by

Penelope Pask Janette Turner

CE Age Concern Otago                             Manager Age Concern Southland

Robert Aitken Liz Henry

Board Chair Age Concern Otago               Board Chair Age Concern Southland