
Taieri Age Connect


Age Concern Otago holds the following at the Taieri Age Connect Hub

Total Mobility Scheme
Every Wednesday between 1 -  2pm.
Issuing agency for older people with a disability  who are unable to use public transport.
*Assessment criteria applies
Phone 03 479 3058 to arrange an appointment

Steady As You Go
Strength & Balance exercise programme
Tuesday 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm &
Wednesday 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm
Contact; Margaret Dando
Phone: 03 479 3052


Senior Citizens Hall (joined to St John)
5 Hartstonge Avenue
Mosgiel 9024

Taieri Age Connect (previously known as Mosgiel Seniors) is an information and social hub designed to bring together the senior citizens of Mosgiel and Taeri in a fun and social setting

Check out Taieri Age Connect What's On for any up and coming events

For hall hire information and rates, please use the link below.