Independent Living Seminar
For further information
Age Concern Otago,
Ph 03 477 1040
Join us to learn more about bladder & bowel management from Janet Thackray from Continence NZ.
Janet will talk to us about age related changes to the bowel & bladder with management and treatment options, giving you more confidence to manage your issues and improve your quality of life.
Older People and Continence Confidence
Wednesday, 1st November- 11am – 12pm
Age Concern Otago,
Octagon Clubrooms,
9 The Octagon,
A Healthy Bowel
Wednesday, 8th November- 11am – 12pm
Age Concern Otago,
Octagon Clubrooms,
9 The Octagon,
Older People Continence and Bowel Confidence
Wednesday, 6th December – 10am – 12pm
Mosgiel Seniors Hall
5A Hartstonge Avenue,
There are many problems that can arise with the bladder and bowel and incontinence is a common issue affecting nearly 1.1 million male and female New Zealanders. Incontinence is a debilitating, distressing, and embarrassing problem and one in three women who have given birth will leak urine.
Getting older does not necessarily mean you will become incontinent. However, it is more common in older people or people with disabilities that cause reduced mobility, such as arthritis preventing getting to the toilet in time. Incontinence is not the diagnosis it is a symptom that something is wrong, and there are many simple ways we can manage symptoms such as pelvic floor exercises, fluid & caffeine adjustments.