
Staying Safe Driving


What is staying safe driving?

Staying Safe is an approved NZ Transport Agency driving safety programme which Age Concern Otago deliver with a trained facilitator.

Staying Safe workshops are held throughout the Otago area assisting over 65s refamiliarise themselves with traffic rules and safer driving practices, as well as increase their knowledge about other transport options available to assist them stay mobile for as long as possible. 

Visit our What's On page for a list of upcoming workshops

Visit our What's On page for a list of upcoming workshops

A driver licence is an important symbol of  independence and many older New Zealanders rely on their car to get around – for shopping, appointments or visiting friends and family.

The workshop is facilitated in an informal manner using video, whiteboard, group discussions,  anecdotes, and other material from workbooks.

Register now to attend


Why should I attend a Staying Safe course?

The older road user, regardless of blame, is likely to be more seriously injured or killed than a younger person when involved in a crash of similar severity. This increased risk is mainly due to the greater fragility and vulnerability of age rather than any inability to drive safely.

Most drivers receive NO further training from the day they first get their Driver’s Licence.It is important for all drivers, regardless of age, to regularly and honestly assess their own driving capabilities to keep themselves and others safe. It’s important to remember that the ageing process can affect a range of skills essential to driving –including eyesight, memory, decision-making and reaction times. 

Rules and regulations change over time. It is your responsibility as a road user to keep up to date with those changes, especially since they are usually designed to increase safety for all.

Dunedin is ranked top of the communities-at-risk register for serious and fatal crashes at intersections. You owe it to yourself and those around you to do all you can to avoid becoming another road statistic.


What do you get?

  • A FREE workshop run by a trained facilitator

  • A FREE course workbook

  • An opportunity to discuss common issues and experiences with your peers

  • Increased confidence

  • Refreshed knowledge of safe driving skills

  • Coping skills for how the ageing process may effect you

  • NO tests or exams

  • An opportunity to increase the safety of all road users by becoming a safer road user

  • Ideas for alternatives to driving


Further information

The New Zealand Transport Agency has a wide range of information available about safe driving, legal requirements (including renewing your drivers licence), and fact sheets about how some health conditions can effect your driving ability.

Age Concern Otago acknowledges the support of The Otago Motor Club Trust, Dunedin City Council and The New Zealand Transport Agency.